大阪 四ツ橋駅4番出口より徒歩3分・西大橋駅4番出口より徒歩1分。「ムクミ・コリを解消したい」「痛みを解消したい」という悩みに寄り添い、体が軽くなりお客様のライフスタイルが活き活き輝けるお手伝いをさせて頂きます。【 是非ご予約をとってご来店ください 】

営業時間 9:00 〜 18:00

定休日 水曜日

大阪府大阪市西区北堀江 1 - 18 - 18 1階

電話で予約 06 6809 5112 ▶︎

LINEで予約 こちらをクリック ▶︎



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There are three styles to suit various types of customers’ body.

Aromatherapy lymph style massage

This menu is created for women in particular. It is a treatment to make your mind and body healthier and relax with our hands and fragrance of essential oils from the bounties of nature.

Herb tea and Foot bath service.

  120 Mins    20,500 Yen

    90 Mins    16,000 Yen

    60 Mins    11,500 Yen


Detox aromatherapy lymph style massage

This menu is created for women and men in particular of the first. It is a treatment to make your body healthier. Blood circulation and lymphatic better. Start with the use of hot stones placed on the body and emphasize lymph massage with our hands and fragrance of essential oils from the bounties of nature.

Herb tea and Foot bath service.

  150 Mins    32,500 Yen

  120 Mins    26,500 Yen


Foot massage

This is an efficient relaxation massage using oil which begins from the bottom of your feet. This massage improves blood circulation and removes swelling.

Herb tea and Foot bath service.

    60 Mins    12,000 Yen

    45 mins      9,500 Yen

    30 Mins      6,500 Yen


Massage options

Add Head massage
    10 Mins      1,900 Yen

Add Face massage
    10 Mins      1,900 Yen

Add Foot massage
    10 Mins      1,900 Yen

Add Aromatherapy lymph style massage
    10 Mins      2,500 Yen

Add Detox aromatherapy lymph style massage
    10 Mins      2,700 Yen

If male customers want to focus on female masseuses for massage, 500 yen for every 30 minutes.